Apr 8Liked by Adam Wilson

Thank you for these morning tears… tears of sadness for what has been lost for the majority of us, and tears of joy for the way you are excavating the generosity of others. This is a beautiful sharing and inspiration, thank you Adam. Blessings.

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The train carrying the wood from trees (living things) and the fuels from fossils (the remnants of plants and animals), while polluting the air, says so much of what is wrong with modern civilization.

I say this as someone who resides in urban Toronto, surrounded by concrete, cars and soul-destroying condos and shopping malls. If it were not for the soulful sounds of the birds and the sights of the squirrels, to whomI happily provide food, I think I would lose my mind. This is not a healthy way or place to live.

Humanity's disconnection from Nature is what explains much of our social ills and our physical and mental illnesses. We have built things up to the point that Nature is protesting. Understandably so. The madness can't continue.

Thanks for this essay.

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Once you hear a song of human beauty like that, it can be difficult to un-hear it. Amen.

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Inspired writing as always. Thank you. Question: 100 loaves? What kind of kitchen infrastructure do you have there that supports such a thing?

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Apr 8Liked by Adam Wilson

I am challenged and heartened by your thoughts, Adam. And I'm thinking about what it all means in the practical realities of my life. It seems to me that there are many simple ways to start.

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