Apr 1Liked by Adam Wilson

Needed this, thank you always Adam

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Apr 2Liked by Adam Wilson

Adam, thank you for sharing the piece about the conversion of the Indians. It's given me a new perspective on property ownership. Also, your story about Kitty touched my heart. your writing is achingly beautiful, as is your reading.

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Gorgeous, Adam. I love it all, but this especially struck: "I keep imagining Yeshua with his hand extended, offering to walk his people out of civilization altogether. As the story goes, the society into which he was born turned down his radical invitation, continuing instead to convert a once-verdant and forested landscape into cities and dust..." That's it, isn't it: The last two thousand years in two sentences as long as a single breath.

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Thank you for this beautiful story, Adam. Our elder brethen are a special gift. Please tell Kitty that her story is of great encouragement all the way over here in Stockholm.

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Apr 1Liked by Adam Wilson

I'll be carrying around thoughts of Kitty through the week. Thank you Adam.

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Apr 1Liked by Adam Wilson

Thank you for this , Adam. I so appreciate your thoughts.

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