Feb 5Liked by Adam Wilson

You sign your post as brokenhearted. I hate to think of your heart as broken, Adam. Because your heart creates the space to ask the questions you ask, that resonate with so many of us, that invite us to feel into a different paradigm, where our comfort and security is reciprocal with those beings upon whom we rely for well-being, down to the soil biota. I see you as whole-hearted. Yours is a heart that beats a rhythm calling us back to interdependence. It’s hard to ignore that drum beat. That is not a broken drum.

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Hi Adam, I receive a ton of inspiration from what you are doing, and from how you describe what you are doing. Talk about jealous! I'm jealous to live my life more like you live yours! I'm taking steps toward that, though they feel like baby steps by comparison, and your work inspires me to take more. Agree and appreciate what you wrote to Sally about being broken-hearted as being much better than numb.

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Feb 5Liked by Adam Wilson

Thanks, Adam, for this post, for articulating what so many of feel, and need to be reminded of. I so appreciate your thoughts.

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To me, business as usual really is the real crisis. I worry about how human relationships can survive the pressure placed on them by technology and round-the-clock media updates. For relationships to flourish, there needs to be time and space, capacity for intention and energy for attention. Thankfully, there are people like you who are committed to reminding the rest of us about what gets lost in a consumer culture and how we might get back to a proper sense of community. Thank you.

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